Thursday, May 14, 2009

after siX months at Petronas Gas Berhad~

Johan SUKBOM acara menarik hose~
ngn osmet kt pntai kemasik

ngn sume osmet masa bezday farah~

plant at nyte~

Yeah I realize that it takes such a long tyme for me to post sumthin here~ :P I am doing my internship now at PETRONAS Gas Bhd, Kerteh. it has been 6 months since the 1st day I arrived at terengganu.. Alhamdulillah, people around me here (my colleagues, my housemate..) are very kind to me and so helpful ^_^. I am happy to be here.. Lots of thing I have learnt throughout dis 6months.. all the instrument knowledge (of course!) but not that the only thing I have learnt.. When we are far from our family, we can clearly see the true of friendship that we have.. who is our true friends and who is not.. who are willing to help us and who is willing to make our life turns upside down.. thank you Allah for giving me good friends that are willing to support me ~


Unknown said...

salam deyla, would u mind to tell me which department u're placed during that internship?

Unknown said...

deyla...still remember me?
katner skarang?
dh kawen lom?